The Solution
Cortus has developed a solution for replacing fossil fuels where it is most needed. The solution is based on existing technologies that are combined into a new and innovative system. A ground breaking approach of how to gasify biomass in a fully integrated process.
Waste is converted into renewable fuels to reduce the carbon footprint in climate intensive sectors, such as the steel industry and the transport sector.
The values added for customers to choose Cortus technology are:
Flexibility – enables long term supply of low-cost feedstock
Cortus technology is unique due to its feedstock flexibility enabling utilisation of a broad range of raw material. This makes the technology less sensitive to price fluctuations. As the bio-economy is growing, the demand on biobased products will increase and so will the prices for raw material. Due to our unique feedstock flexibility, we are less sensitive to such price fluctuations.
Efficiency – minimizing costs and energy demand
One of our biggest strengths is the high energy yield, 80% including the drying of biomass. The high temperatures needed in the production process are reached using internal waste heat and by-products. This results in a low-cost process that is resource efficient with no external heat demand.
Purity – clean renewable fuel ready to use!
Another strength is the purity of the end- product. Other existing technologies require advanced and expensive downstream processing to remove impurities before the end-products can be used. Cortus end-products are pure and clean. No further downstream processing is therefore needed, resulting in low investment costs for substituting fossil-based fuels with renewables!
Video: Animation Cortus Technology
Cortus technology is unique on the market since it can produce products of all three phases: solid, liquid and gaseous. Production pathways for all Cortus’ products are protected by patents. Cortus intellectual property includes 6 patent families and 161 patents.
- Production of syngas from gasification of
biomass - Production of hydrogen from gasification of biomass
- An indirectly heated reactor for gasification
- Powder injection to gasification reactor using a laval nozzle
- Production of biocoke inside a an indirectly heated gasifier
- Production of a hydrotreated biocrude pyrolysis oil with integrated hydrogen production