After drying a lot of biomass and producing tons of char this summer, all subsystems of the plant have been in operation. Our focus is now to make sure these are operable to deliver necessary capacities, ensure availability on each subsystem and to operate all subsystems together at the same time. The aim of this work is to verify that our technology works in a robust and safe way.
Our testing program has continued during the summer, and even if we have made progress in many parts, we have also discovered some issues which caused further interruptions. The interruptions are mainly due to leakages in the pyrolysis reactor. These leakages have required spare parts with a rather long delivery time due to holiday season. When these spare parts are in place, we can continue towards milestone 3. Moreover, we have made some further progress with our earlier issues with the flare. There are still some functions and situations to verify for flaring off pyrolysis gas but flaring off syngas is now working in accordance to plan.
The commitment from the operation team, engineering team and suppliers remain strong. Together we will solve the problems and move forward in Höganäs. The lessons learned and insights gained are also invaluable for future projects.
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