Cortus strengthens organization

Cortus strengthens organization

From March 1 we strengthened our engineering team. Mats Gartz is a dedicated and experienced leader for development of individuals and team.   Mats has a Master of Science in Metals and Metallurgy and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economy with specialization in...
Reconstruction – progress report

Reconstruction – progress report

On site, the work inside the flare has been finalized from mechanical perspective, as scheduled. See the photo above. At the RLT workshop, the pre-fabrication of piping is finalized and the pipes will be transported to Höganäs during the weekend. The RLT crew will...
Reconstruction – progress report

Reconstruction – progress report

The reconstruction work is moving forward. The piping system for the pyrolysis gas is being dissembled. Priority has been the parts at the flare and the isolation and heat tracing. Our suppliers and sub-contractors are now working to get the reconstruction done as...
Cortus svarar på frågor

Cortus svarar på frågor

Cortus har fått önskemål från aktieägare om att förbättra kommunikationen. Tydligare information har efterfrågats generellt och konkreta frågor om vår verksamhet har inkommit. Cortus har tagit åt sig av kritiken och vill med det här dokumentet bli mer transparanta. Vi...
Syngas to SNG

Syngas to SNG

Cortus is taking part in a national development project for production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from syngas in a biological process (Biological Methanisation of Syngas from Gasification of Lignocellulosic Biomass). The purpose of the project is to investigate...
Höganäs February 2021

Höganäs February 2021

Green energy gas (syngas) to Höganäs AB has been produced and delivered to the demonstration furnace.  This was the main testing activity completed before the stop for reconstruction. On February 2 we achieved the goal and Höganäs received renewable syngas for...