Höganäs June 2020

Höganäs June 2020

Over the past months we have come increasingly closer in our efforts towards reaching Milestone 3. The dryer is successfully producing dry biomass for testing in the pyrolysis, while the gasifier and boiler systems are standing by to operate. Consequently, we feel...
Cortus i Höganäs Insight

Cortus i Höganäs Insight

(In Swedish) Nu är den klar – anläggningen som ska driva delar av Höganäs metallpulverproduktion med förnyelsebar energigas. Höganäs AB står inför ett banbrytande skifte till förnyelsebar energi för delar av produktionen. Bakom tekniken liggersamarbetspartnern Cortus...
How we qualify new fuels

How we qualify new fuels

As Cortus announced earlier, we have received an order from the Norwegian company Float Production AS. The order refers to the first stage of Cortus fuel test program. Cortus fuel test program is divided into two parts: Fuel test in lab scaleFuel test in pilot scale...
Höganäs May 2020

Höganäs May 2020

During this past month we have started the pyrolysis process and produced the first char in Höganäs. The char is of good quality and can be further milled, screened and gasified according to our plan. Generally, Cortus technology consists of three sub-processes:...
Höganäs April 2020

Höganäs April 2020

During this past month we have, as communicated earlier, produced the first syngas at our plant in Höganäs. The syngas was of a very high quality, with the same high amount of hydrogen as seen before. This is a huge step for Cortus and our business partners. Our focus...
What’s BioMAT?

What’s BioMAT?

Cortus recently announced the BioMAT queue approval for the Mariposa-project. An approval by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), the largest combined natural gas and electric energy company in the United States. The BioMAT program is giving 20 years of subsidized...