Cortus first gas in Höganäs

Cortus first gas in Höganäs

Cortus Energy has produced the first ultra-clean syngas at the new plant in Höganäs. The product is identical to what was previously produced at Cortus pilot plant, an ultra-clean syngas that fully meets the supply agreement with Höganäs AB. This first syngas...
Höganäs March 2020

Höganäs March 2020

After about 500 hours of operation, we stopped all tests in order to inspect heat-exposed parts. This after the first operation where the gasifier, gas cooler and auxiliary systems have been running at temperature (1100 °C) but with air, nitrogen and steam. The...
Engie visit in Höganäs

Engie visit in Höganäs

A windy and rainy day in March, we had the pleasure of showing our friends from Engie the plant in Höganäs. Eight well dressed men were shown around the plant by Marko Amovic and Rolf Ljunggren. Topics of discussions varied from technical to economical to safety. The...
Engie kick-off in Paris

Engie kick-off in Paris

In January we sent a delegation of engineers to Paris for a kick-off meeting with Engie. The aim was to present the first delivery in the project, which pertained heat and mass balance for the planned biofuel, block flow diagrams and process flow diagrams for Cortus...
Höganäs februari 2020

Höganäs februari 2020

Under januari har idrifttagningen fortsatt och vi har haft förgasaren i temperatur samt ångsystemet i drift sedan början av januari. Med körningar i december och januari har vi nu passerat 500 timmar med förgasaren vid drifttemperatur. För att förbereda...
Höganäs januari 2020

Höganäs januari 2020

December var en produktiv månad där vi innan juluppehållet uppfyllde milstolpe 2 av 3. Det vill säga att vår första kommersiella WoodRoll® i Höganäs nu är tekniskt färdigställd. All komponentutcheckning är avslutad och styrsystemet är nu fullt implementerat och...