Höganäs October 2020
Pyrolysis gas combustion has been the focus during this month. A combination of dusting and...
Är du vår nya kollega?
Vill du jobba i ett företag där varje talang ges sina individuella möjligheter att utvecklas i...
Höganäs September 2020
2020-09-15 During the first part of September, the compressors have been taken into operation with...
Höganäs August 2020
2020-08-21 After drying a lot of biomass and producing tons of char this summer, all subsystems of...
Höganäs July 2020
Facklan har fortsatt att vara ett hinder för framdrift av anläggningen under perioden. Då facklan...
Höganäs June 2020
Over the past months we have come increasingly closer in our efforts towards reaching Milestone 3....
Cortus i Höganäs Insight
(In Swedish) Nu är den klar – anläggningen som ska driva delar av Höganäs metallpulverproduktion...
How we qualify new fuels
As Cortus announced earlier, we have received an order from the Norwegian company Float Production...
Höganäs May 2020
During this past month we have started the pyrolysis process and produced the first char in...
Höganäs April 2020
During this past month we have, as communicated earlier, produced the first syngas at our plant in...
What’s BioMAT?
Cortus recently announced the BioMAT queue approval for the Mariposa-project. An...
Cortus first gas in Höganäs
Cortus Energy has produced the first ultra-clean syngas at the new plant in Höganäs. The product...
Höganäs March 2020
After about 500 hours of operation, we stopped all tests in order to inspect heat-exposed parts....
Engie visit in Höganäs
A windy and rainy day in March, we had the pleasure of showing our friends from Engie the plant in...
Engie kick-off in Paris
In January we sent a delegation of engineers to Paris for a kick-off meeting with Engie. The aim...
Höganäs februari 2020
Under januari har idrifttagningen fortsatt och vi har haft förgasaren i temperatur samt...
Höganäs januari 2020
December var en produktiv månad där vi innan juluppehållet uppfyllde milstolpe 2 av 3. Det vill...
Höganäs 2019
2019-12-10 Under månaden har vi förberett start av skift och varma tester. Samtliga...